You may select PayPal as your payment method during checkout. By clicking on "Submit Your Order" at the final step of your payment process, you will be taken to a PayPal login page, where you can access your account and complete your purchase. If you do not have a PayPal account yet, you can create one from the PayPal login page, before concluding your order.

2. VIVA payments

VIVA payments, like PayPal, is a well known in Greek company and works like Pay Pal. You can learn more about Viva payments at https://www.vivapayments.com.


(Only for transactions within Greece)
If you would like to send a bank transfer for payment, follow our standard on-line purchasing procedure and select the Bank Transfer payment option during checkout. The final checkout page wil provide our Banking Information and your order will be put on hold for the following 48 hours. An e-mail or fax copy of your bank transfer is necessary by then to validate your order which will then be processed and shipped out, once funds have arrived. Eventual bank fees are required to be covered by the customer.

4. COD

COD (or"Cash On Delivery") payment option is available in Greece at this time. Follow our standard on-line purchasing procedure and select the COD payment option during checkout. An ArktosArt.com representative will call the phone number you provided with the billing address for a confirrnation before processing.


You can complete our payment by using any credit, debit or prepaid card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners, Discover). The system will redirect you to the safe environment of Alpha Bank's bank.


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