Square, resin cufflinks, orange and gold cufflinks, solid sterling cufflinks with gold leaf, minimalist, modern cufflinks.
Square, resin cufflinks, orange and gold cufflinks, solid sterling cufflinks with gold leaf, minimalist, modern, cube shape cufflinks
Square, resin cufflinks is a pair of orange and gold cufflinks, made of solid sterling, resin and gold leaf. These are such cool, minimalist, modern cuff links! They are also uniex in style, good to go for both men and women.
These silver cufflinks are made with gold leaf and orange threads, inside a cube setting, filled with resin and polished many times. It's a very tedious, hard process with many phases, but it's worth the trouble for the amazing effect.
Each cufflink square surface measures about 1.50cm x 1.50cm x 0.50cm in width ( 0.59'' x 0.59'' x 0.20 '').They look like vibrant, abstract art paintings or sculptures and this is what they are, really. Amazing works of art in miniature.
They will be a gorgoeous, much coveted gift for both men and women.
This design will look slightly different for made to order pieces, each pair is singularly unique piece.
If you'd like to know more about these exceptional, silver and resin cufflinks, you can always contact us.
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