Football Easter candle, Olympiakos candle, boys Greek Easter candle with Olympiacos colors leather football miniature
Football Easter candle, Olympiakos candle, boys Greek Easter candle with Olympiacos colors leather football miniature
Football Easter candle is an Olympiakos, football team candle.It is a boys, Greek Easter candle with Olympiacos (OSFP) colours football. The traditional colours of this historic,
Pireus, football team are white and red.The football is a leather like, beautifully made miniature.
I used a long, thick, white Greek Easter candle.On it I tied a piece of thin, red satin ribbon.On to pof that I hung a metal miniature football, with both the Olympiacos' colours
of white and red.
This boys, Greek Easter candle was made for the Greek Easter celebrations of Good Saturday mass.A unique, Greek Easter candle by Arktos Collectibles, a typical, Greek
lambada for boys and teen boys.A Greek, handmade candle of paraffin, that measures about 35cm in height ( 13.77 '') and about 3cm in diameter (1.18 '').A very cool Easter kids gift.
Your godson will be ecstatic.
If you would like to know more about this Olympiacos, Greek lambada, we'd be happy to answer all questions. You can contact us at any time.
Thank you for looking.