Red poppy metal sculpture, brass flower art object with red enamel
Red poppy metal sculpture, brass flower art object with red enamel.
Red poppy metal sculpture is a dainty, lovely brass sculpture of a red poppy flower on a long, flexible, brass wire stem.
It sits on a solid brass base, freely shaped like a cone, with a strong, hand built look.
The cone and tne stem as well as the poppoy's petals underneath come in a very polished gold colour with a very sophisticated, matte surface.
A thin, brass wire starts from the cone, which is the base of the sculpture, to form the flower stem. At its end there is the lovely flower, a red poppy, a handmade brass flower painted with scarlet enamel, with a white circle, within a black circle.
This poppy is the tallest flower from the first and fourth photos, where many poppies are shown.
This lisitng is for one tall poppy sculpture only.
It measures about 30 cm ( 11.18 '' )in height, the wire can be slightly longer or shorter each time, since it a handmade item.The cone's diameter is 3,50 cm ( 1.37 '' ) and the flowers diameter is 4 cm ( 1.57 '' ) .It is not very light, due to its solid brass base.
As shown in the first photo, there can be a whole cluster of poppies, i took a photo of all i have in stock to show how lovely the all look together. There is smaller single poppy sculpture that will be listed elsewhere. There is also a piece with two poppies on the same stem and one with three poppies all on one brass base.
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